Gandhinagar: After having authored books about the Emergency and RSS leaders, and having published even a collection of poems, chief minister Narendra Modi is showing his versatility and range as a writer, with a new venture. The CM has now come up with a book about climate change, an issue believed to be close to his heart.
The book, titled 'Convenient action — Gujarat's response to challenges of climate change', speaks of the CM's vision to tackle the problem of climate change. It covers the various initiatives taken by the Gujarat government to transform the state into a low-carbon economy and build on a model of positive partnerships to tackle climate change.
"This book is like a 'green autobiography' of CM Narendra Modi. Climate change is threatening the world, but Modi and Gujarat have shown how to tackle it," said Sanjay Singh, chief publisher for higher education at Macmillan Publishers India Ltd, to DNA.
A senior government official said that the issue of climate change is very close to the CM's heart.
"Gujarat was the first state to have a full-fledged department of climate change, as per the CM's idea. The government has also initiated steps to promote green energy by encouraging environment-friendly power generation. The book may speak about these initiatives," the official said.
According to Macmillan officials, the book, to have four colours, will comprise 250 pages. It will be available in both hard cover and paperback editions, which will be priced at Rs695 and Rs495 respectively.
Singh said that the book took three years to write, while the publishing deal was finalised this year. He declined to reveal the size of the initial print order, but said that it would be a very big book launch. "There will be functions in Ahmedabad, and in other cities too.
The book will be launched internationally as well," said Singh.
According to government officials, former president Dr APJ Abdul Kalam will launch the book and preside over the function,to be held on December 21, while IPCC chairman RK Pachauri will be the guest of honour. The book will be available from December 22 onwards.