A five-year-old lion was found dead in an open well in a farm on Tuesday at Dasada village in Bhesan taluka of Junagadh district. Range forest officer Dipak Pandya said the lion's carcass has been fished out and sent for postmortem. The incident occurred at least 25 km from Junagadh when two lions came to the area on Saturday night, according to forest department sources. The lions had also attacked some animals in the area. It seems one of the lions fell into the well while jumping over the well, according to beat guards. Pandya said there was no parapet wall around the well.
Villagers informed the forest department on finding a lion in the well. Forest department rushed a team to the spot. A campaign is on for the past four years in the region aski-ng people to build parapet walls around the open wells. They ha-ve been advised to at least have a wired border around it. The campaign had achieved some success in this regard, forest department sources said.
Jaydev Sir Ask About Matter is reality
News are coming that one more Asiatic Lion died due to falling in a well at Medpara (Girnar), near Bhesan, Junagadh!!!
Donkeys are wrongly branded as foolish animal. Asiatic Lions seems most foolish animal on earth. No dog, cat, pig, camel, cow, hyna, deer, rabbit, etc ever died due to falling in a well or some water tank or pond but Asiatic Lions are repeatedly falling in wells and they cannot even swim for few hours so someone can rescue them!!! On the other hand dogs and cats are reported to swim for hours and saved their lives.
People who believes that so many deaths of Asiatic Lions due to falling in open wells are natural and see nothing doubtful in them are too straightforward....
Villagers informed the forest department on finding a lion in the well. Forest department rushed a team to the spot. A campaign is on for the past four years in the region aski-ng people to build parapet walls around the open wells. They ha-ve been advised to at least have a wired border around it. The campaign had achieved some success in this regard, forest department sources said.
Jaydev Sir Ask About Matter is reality
News are coming that one more Asiatic Lion died due to falling in a well at Medpara (Girnar), near Bhesan, Junagadh!!!
Donkeys are wrongly branded as foolish animal. Asiatic Lions seems most foolish animal on earth. No dog, cat, pig, camel, cow, hyna, deer, rabbit, etc ever died due to falling in a well or some water tank or pond but Asiatic Lions are repeatedly falling in wells and they cannot even swim for few hours so someone can rescue them!!! On the other hand dogs and cats are reported to swim for hours and saved their lives.
People who believes that so many deaths of Asiatic Lions due to falling in open wells are natural and see nothing doubtful in them are too straightforward....